It is often proof of the road when a car you'll be greeted with "€ € mateâ single car at traffic lights. Even more rare and have a period of up to balance and embrace his car at a crossing, insisting on a handshake and call a legend dead set - halagadora how! Make sure now, May has been partially drunk and green lures, sorry Dash, painting are nothing to hide in the crowd, but this kind of reaction that took place throughout the week â € and n 'loves it. But XR6T not all about what I caress and big smiles - ah, I'm joking, of course it is! In fact, if the conditions are not putting a smile on your face when you either unwashed, hugging trees and singing Kumbayah around the campfire or municipality to take trains placed in his chest, just before shout â € € œclearâ. Yes, this is a good thing. In fact, is better than it is bloody brilliant. Easily the best value for money performance sedan on the market.