As a result, their other option is to go with a level of gasoline. Why? Well, just read what the Alborz had to say on diesel. And you wonâ € ™ t hear me disagree with him whatsoever. See, if the noise compression ignition has been reduced, and it is the only change this four-wheel drive would be bearable. But Itâ € ™ s not alone. The essence is there. and € ™ s gasoline engine? In a word, no problem. If you check the Data Sheet on this engine, and the engine was found in the (soon to be dead) 380, youâ € ™ ll find striking similarities. Itâ € ™ s not much of a surprise; Itâ € ™ s the same family. They sound the same. Thus, even if weâ € ™ re talking SOHC, Itâ € ™ s still a real engine.