French engineering often scoffed as an oxymoron, but for my life why do not believe, I believe, gave us the Airbus A380, Millau Bridge Bridge, the Eiffel Tower and Louvre. I could go on for hours, but it is a self-examination, after all, and what I am trying to do here is that it does not have a pastry chef to see that the French have a certain je ne sais quoi rounded, innovation and daring to be different. Laguna a length fees for French as a symbol of innovation and design Intelligent Vehicle data from other cars hope, which is a time when BMW bought and validated Sandouville Laguna number one. Unfortunately, Aussie May simply not things comme il faut, and more often than not miss your chance to own one - maybe this time everything that is to be changed. vote Company Car of the Year 2008 (in France) and El Mundo's most beautiful car (variation Estate) Festival of the Paris Motor, the new Laguna is a sophisticated and modern car with the ideals embodied challenge the Convention itself, have always french cars. Although some of Renault style was distinctive, the logic behind this is a pleasure, and now with the phase III conquest of Laguna host exhibitions, it is a French proposal by its reasoning May have finally returned to German in the air. almost any angle, the car is impressive, very sculpture in Bavaria, and even if I itself is not a fan of the tail light positioning (weed), almost all other angles of the car reach a compromise aesthetic pleasure. It is not very powerful, but it is certainly surprising, elegant and very elegant and well-proportioned, smooth lines and an energy that flows like.