The XF is just when it comes to the future of Jaguar, "said Mike O'Driscoll, general manager of the manufacturer. It is important that we bring to buyers in their años'30 y'40, "he adds. We want to make cars that will allow people smile. I'm in Scottsdale, Ariz., to lead the new the new XF, Jaguar rakish four-door vehicle entering the USA in March. I can not disclose everything works yet seen, because (a) I turned to disclose information before the official launch date, and (b) Well, I have not yet driven the car. But after a night out with O'Driscoll and other shooters Jaguar â € "- including the Jaguar design director Ian Callum (who also wrote the impressive Aston Martin DB9 and XK jag, among others), I would say this: We have now, XF seems to be even more impressive than expected. Photos not the car justice. Before coming to Arizona, he saw the car in the photos, and to be honest I was skeptical. The interface hope bulbous, almost equal to Taurus. The car appeared heavy. But I was wrong. After seeing a production of cars on the last night of metal, I can say with conviction: "It is impressive. Imagine a Jag XK with four doors and a new design affects not even cut does not have (like a hood that seems to be blowing in the 150 mph winds). It is XF. is the vehicle of the three-dimension, Ian Callum said when I shared my doubts about the car of poor results in the photos. Just not yet been translated into a single photo. Callum then show how the grille is inspired by the original Jag XJ 1968 (But this is certainly not a retro-design, "said Callum), in which the rear glass Mimics a cut (Jag thought rigid E-type), in which the road Clean lines have more in common with an image of the Bonneville Salt Flats oil which they do with a picture of lush rolling landscape. Well, okay, it is late at night and things was to get a little esoteric. In short, XF is hot. Is on the rocks, too. Lines single, carefully a small scoreboard (to make a most impressive sight long), raised a central console (when you're sitting at the back of the car, "said Callum), and more wood than you & # 39;'ve watched some MCG in ages. I am also fond of ice-blue lighting and instrument (photo Motorola Razr cell phone that inspired the look). I know that the U. S. Navy as the red for the aircraft lighting, Callum told me, but I've always liked blue instruments. Our table was three to one in favour of the blue. It is much more to come, but - as has been pointed out - I do not yet have the details. Watch this space, but I'll have impressions of conduct for you later this week. I took the wheel for the first time on Monday morning. If appliances XF nothing about how it looks, it will be sweet.
By qwert001
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