Call me old, but there are some things about the modern world, that did not come. (pause in my light and my hose to put my feet into comfortable slippers) I mean, the song of the stars chosen by television, SMS messages when you can use your phone to have someone to listen your voice, what is it? And it is a underlige, SUVs seem hatchback. What â ? SUV - sport utility vehicles - is an incremental but useful Americanism. The statement, if the vehicles are covered, deserves to be ubiquitous as a Big Mac. Its inherent contradictions and clumsiness (Sport and value Yes, right) serves as fair warning to anyone thinking of buying one of those things. Caveat emptor, trends. A four-wheel motor, by comparison, is a different animal, car is a frontiersman, with few social thank you, a good number of sales habitudes, but an impressive repertoire of skills that were far higher in bush the rest of us. Nissan two vehicles and 4WDs. Double the new SUV is the end of the spectrum. It is true that we have all-wheel drive, but Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City is more concerned about the rugged outdoor life. double Metropolitan is a creature designed to be irresistible for urban dwellers who are torn between a few Snappy Hatch back and outside Butch appealingly ROAD. As a sort of off-road sedan that combines the advantages of each, Nissan said.